Patient Resources

New Patient Information

At Four Peaks Neurology, we strive to make the healthcare system as seamless as possible. Making an appointment to see one of our providers is a simple, 3-step process.

Step 1

Contact your
Referring Provider

Four Peaks Neurology is a specialized medical practice that treats patients with neurologic conditions. For this reason, it is our office policy that anyone who wishes to see one of our providers requires a referral.

So let your provider know you would like to meet with us!

Step 2

Send us your
Medical Records

Next, you need to send us your medical records, so our doctors have a bit of background and some established medical history. Please submit your records or have your referring provider submit your records to our office via fax.

Some other items that may be helpful to bring to your appointment include:

  • Recent lab results
  • MRI reports
  • MRI discs
  • Notes from other doctors
  • Medication lists

Step 3

Fill out the
New Patient Paperwork

After we have you registered for an appointment and sent us your medical records, we will provide you with instructions on completing the new patient intake forms. We look forward to seeing you!

Referral Information

Four Peaks Neurology is a specialized medical practice that treats patients with neurologic conditions. For this reason, it is our office policy that anyone who wishes to see one of our providers requires a referral.

We respectfully request, for all referrals, that the patient’s medical records are submitted to our office prior to scheduling an appointment as a new patient with our office.

Please fax your referral and accompanying medical records to (480) 614-0353.

If you have any questions or issues regarding the referral process, please contact us

If you are a referring provider, please click here

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