Ambulatory Electroencephalogram (aEEG) Test and Video Ambulatory EEG Test


An ambulatory Electroencephalogram (aEEG) is a non-invasive diagnostic test that monitors and records the electrical activity and brain wave patterns of your brain, from the comfort of your home. Your brain cells communicate via electrical impulses and are active all the time, even when you’re asleep. This activity appears as wavy lines on an aEEG recording. The aEEG specifically measures the voltage difference resulting from ionic current within the neurons in the brain. The extensive recording that is possible through the usage of an aEEG greatly enhances our ability to diagnose symptoms.

The aEEG test is very similar to a routine EEG. Unlike a routine EEG, which typically takes about an hour, with an aEEG, your physician will request that your brain activity be recorded on a portable device, for a period of 24, 48, or 72 hours or longer.

An aEEG will be able to capture and record abnormal events that would have been missed during a routine EEG. If abnormal activity only occurs a couple of times a day or at certain times, the aEEG will be able to capture and record those events.

aEEG testing is most often ordered to study the brain activity for any potential neurological disorders, such as:

  • Seizures or epilepsy
  • Headache
  • Head injuries
  • Memory disturbances
  • Stroke
  • Spells
  • Syncope (fainting)
  • Tumors
  • Encephalitis (brain inflammation)

In addition, this test can also be used to determine if seizures, silent or otherwise, are occurring after changing medications.

At the completion of the study, the electrodes will be removed, and your scalp will be cleaned with a damp washcloth. The technician will comb through your hair to remove any remaining paste. There should not be any obvious remaining paste, but if there is, you will need to wash your hair when you can remove any sticky residue.

Your study will be downloaded to our secure server for the physician to review. Expect to hear from your ordering physician after the test for a follow up appointment to discuss the results with you.

After the test is completed, you are free to resume normal activities. If you were sleep-deprived, you may want someone to drive you home after the test.

To begin, the technician may ask you some questions about your history of symptoms, your handedness, etc. The technician will then measure and mark your head with a grease pencil. This ensures that the electrode placement is accurate. This pencil will come off after the testing.

Next, the technician will apply a conductive gel that will allow the electrodes to connect effectively. 24 electrodes will be applied to different areas on the head and chest. Alternatively, an elastic cap fitted with electrodes may be used. Your heart rhythm (EKG) will be recorded as well.

After the electrodes are set, your head will be wrapped with gauze to ensure the electrodes are held in place during your daily activities. The electrodes will be attached to a recording device. The recording device is linked to a strap, and the wires can be worn outside or under your clothes. The technician may request that you record with a portable video device as well.

You will be asked to keep track of any events, symptoms or odd sensations that arise during the testing period by writing them down in a written log. For the duration of the recording period, please log your events and activities in reasonable detail. Keeping this written log is imperative, as it will aid the technician and your physician in accurately interpreting your results.

An aEEG is a painless test. You will not feel anything abnormal during the recording.

It is imperative that you bring your log when you return to the office, along with all the equipment.

Please return to the office at the designated time, to return the aEEG equipment and have the electrodes disconnected by the technician.

Failure to bring your log or the equipment with you to the office at the designated time will delay your results and may impact other patients who are scheduled for an aEEG.

Outside Physician Requests

If you would like to schedule an aEEG with our office, please fax patient demographic information (including insurance), most recent patient history, and physician notes, along with an authorization, if needed, to our office at (480) 614-0353. One of our office staff members will contact the patient for scheduling.

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