Comprehensive Neuropsychological Evaluations


Comprehensive neuropsychological evaluations are a form of cognitive/memory testing that a physician orders because the patient has experienced some problems as a result of stroke, head trauma, etc. or because the patient (or the patient’s family) have reported issues with the patient’s memory, in addition to other functional declines (i.e., confusion, disorientation, decision making abilities, etc.).

Cognitive symptoms may be secondary to a variety of conditions, and therefore neuropsychological testing can help in assessing whether those symptoms are related to an underlying process or structural brain changes.

For these reasons, this test provides valuable information for the treating physician during their diagnostic workup and subsequent treatment of the patient. Lastly, the results of such a test can act as a baseline of functionality when an individual’s cognitive faculties need to be monitored over time.

Neurocognitive testing is non-invasive. It largely consists of paper/pencil testing, and may include manipulation of objects, perceiving and replicating visual stimuli, verbal reasoning and responding, and repetition and recall of various types of short-term information.

The initial interview takes approximately one hour, during which your provider will ask you about the problems you are experiencing, and your doctor’s report.

Next, you will begin the testing. The tests that are administered assess functionality across multiple domains, including:

  • Memory functioning
  • Basic problem-solving
  • Decision-making/reasoning abilities
  • Processing speed
  • Visuospatial abilities
  • Language
  • Psychological functioning
  • Depression and anxiety issues

These tests can be pencil and paper based, or verbal. This portion of the test typically takes 1.5 to 3 hours.

Yes. Insurance will cover one evaluation per year. Copays (if applicable) are due at the time of the visit, and this includes the follow-up telephone call, as this is considered a telehealth visit.

Yes, Dr. Blais offers counseling, therapy and behavioral therapy services. If needed, such services may be recommended as one method of treatment after the neuropsychological evaluation.

It consists of two separate appointments: First, the interview and testing, and second, the telephonic feedback appointment.

There are no restrictions prior to testing. Patients are encouraged to go about their day as they would in their normal, day-to-day routines.

Patients are encouraged to take medications they regularly take, as well as eat and drink as they normally would.

There is no restriction on caffeine intake.

Patients are encouraged to bring a drink and snack to the interview/testing appointment, as you will have a break, and this type of testing can be fatiguing on the brain.

The full battery of neuropsychological tests that are administered during this appointment takes approximately 4 hours, depending on issues discussed during the interview.

You are welcome to bring one family member or significant other to speak to your neuropsychologist. However, your family member or significant other cannot be present for the testing portion.

The results conveyed during the phone call will include, if applicable, a diagnosis, as well as recommendations for future treatment based on what was discovered from the testing.

After your follow-up phone call, you will receive a copy of the report, so you can read what your provider told you during the follow-up phone call.

Your referring physician will also be sent a copy of the report, so the results can be further discussed when you follow up with them.

Outside Physician Requests

If you would like to schedule a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation with our office, please fax patient demographic information (including insurance), most recent patient history, and physician notes, along with an authorization, if needed, to our office at (480) 614-0353. One of our office staff members will contact the patient for scheduling.

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