First, electrodes are placed over certain parts of the body. Electrodes may be placed on the scalp, cervical spine, collarbone area, lower spine, and knee area. The number of electrodes applied is dependent on the type of study being performed.
Then, the technician will take a few measurements of the scalp. Next, the technician will apply gel that will allow the electrodes to connect effectively. The technician will ensure you are comfortable before beginning the examination. Note: It is very important to lie quietly with your eyes closed in a relaxed state as this helps the procedure go more quickly.
Once the electrodes have been connected to the device, you will start to feel a mild electrical pulsing sensation at your wrist or ankle (depending on which nerve is being tested). This electric pulse will increase little by little until it produces a small motor twitch. During the period of examination, several thousand repetitions may occur, and the stimulations must be replicated to ensure accurate results.